Monday, May 30, 2011

The Way To The Future.

Helloooooooooooooooooo Beautiful people!!. How are we doing today? I'm GREAT!! I hope you're doing good today? Guess why I'm over-the-moon ecstatic? Well, here it is;
With over 60posts consisting of short stories, Journal enteries and Poems, 897visits, 2 Nigerian Blog Awards nominations, 3 press publication (The Punch, The Nation) and over 120 blog comments, Today; EdithSmiles is a year old. 

I am so proud of all I have been able to achieve with your help.
As the Nigerian Blog Awards come up in less than a heart beat; I hope we get nominated and take the award home. Its high time we get that badge up there. :)
I see life as having its own emotional wheel/cycle. It normally begins with excitement and gets warmer with love. Then anger corrupts and sadness follows, but after time Happiness will surely come again and then it starts of by excitement all over! People must understand that emotion is part of life. Everyone goes through all the same emotions. Don't think your life is a horror movie. Just accept it and remember its the way to the future.

                               THE WAY TO THE FUTURE.

When blood starts bursting through your veins,
the heart races like it has its last take,
the adrenalin in your body it drains
and brings your life to a wake.


When a sudden heart beat skips
and it feels like butterflies tickle your tummy.
when your legs give in the 'dips'
and you look like a smiling dummy.

When your fists start to rage and clutch
and your blood boils till steam
that red covers your face too much,
and the voice that forms a scream.

When tears run down your face
and your body feels to brake
like your soul has no trace
of what is real and what is fake.

When discovering a joy in your soul,
fulfilled with pride and life.
Feeling like all that ruthless foul
has no more unplanned strife.

When you have finished through this cycle
it will all begin again.
Who knows how it will begin,
end or when?
But this is the cycle of emotion,
search yourself carefully of how you feel.
And within you, you will find devotion,
to understand the life's emotional wheel;

Showing you the way to the future.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

May 21st.

Hello world;
     A Beautiful day to you all. Hope the Saturday is treating /treated you all well? Ever wondered if the Angels blog? (lol). Here is something for the day. Enjoy and have a wonderful weekend. God bless us all. E-SMILES.
                            MAY 21ST.

I wandered the world alone before you; 
I spoke with the trees and sighed with the moon,
Who hung with mystery and dreadful loom.
I climbed a ladder of branches, twigs and dew
To reach the crescent of the moon
And stay with her till the nighttime noon.
I spoke and she spoke, and the stars did too,
Till i dosed in the morose of the nighttime gloom.

I awoke on the twelfth stroke of nighttime noon,
And said my last farewell to the stars and the moon.
At the basis of my ladder of branches, twigs and dew,
I set out on a journey to discover something new.
When i walked as far as my feet would do,
I landed by a kingdom, by a sounding sea of blue.
And there, I discovered a mistress' tomb
And the body of a man, frozen to his doom.

So there I laid by the side of the tomb,
To freeze with my love in the light of the moon.


Monday, May 16, 2011

Bullets & Iron Knives.

Hello beautiful people. How is everyone doing? Hope we are getting settled into the summer breeze & creating time to smell the beautiful flowers? So this is just something out of the blue, but I dare to ask you so; Have you ever felt solely responsible for something and the table turns around to torment you? Perhaps if its something you said or something you did not do? I had this thought and decided to share it in literature for better explanation. For the better part of life I tend to believe that  "Wherever there is a human being, there is an opportunity for a kindness."

Bullets & Iron Knives.

One cold lonely noon in some communal garden I used to know by heart and brain, I met - [saw would be more precise] – That tiny unnoticed earth drop who had strength and force; enough to save my mean and pathetic world. Swirling among flowers and trees, her small head ringed by a golden halo. She was laughing like one would cry.

Clad in black heavy clothes, mourning an old friend of mine; I was frail, teetering on the edge of the safe side of my mind, and she angered me. Innocently dressed in a bright leafy dress; Sunlight filtered through spaces between the trees’ gaping branches, sparkling off her skin like diamonds. She was just a toddler, toying with the idea of what she would be when she would grow up – [no one ever warns children that age is an enemy ]– a kid, not yet aware that the dance would someday end; who didn't care for yesterdays and tomorrows -[One should never believe ones first idea] - she was entranced; as if dazed by a never ending dream.

Frowning, one could say I tried to ignore, block out of me that ageless stirring motion, but Nature did not allow peace: Flowers, moths, the air itself revolted, buzzing through me, leaving heavy but pure aromas for me to sink in, confusing thoughts, rage and hate to create a brand new emotion ---; Then an interruption destroyed that perfect illusion of mine: 

           "Are you sad?" she dared, crossing the line as if she knew who I was, what I wanted, what I felt. 
Her hair was a rich shade of mahogany. It flowed in waves to adorn her glowing, porcelain-like skin. Her eyes, framed by long lashes, were a bright hazel. A straight nose, full lips - she seemed the picture of perfection. Had she smiled, the world would sigh with contentment. Had she laughed, the world would laugh with her. And had she wept, the whole world would want to comfort her. That drove me to jump the cliff of sanity; rage erupting in my brain, I stood then walked away, leaving kind perfumes and annoying girls behind. 

Fast steps echoed fast steps and pushed me to the Road, but I did not pay enough attention to deathly tricks of fate while the little girl followed me--------- and By a loud shout of people passing by, I startled, my eyes jerked up and then got stuck:  I was finally seeing the car, while bright fireworks exploded in my frightened pupils. Death was on me, and I felt just that light push on my back, then lost my footing, I fell on the harsh ground, safe - why was I?.......No, it could not be; it had no right to be, after taking away my best-friend.

My shocked mind made me move, and my mouth dried itself at such a sight, refusing to acknowledge that the beautiful girl [more beautiful than a Porcelain doll], whose soft whispers of  "Hold on, why do you seem so sad? Do you want a chat?" echoed at the tip of my ears was lying on the road, dead. Her voice was light and haunting and somewhat chilling. Her dull, hollow grassy eyes looking for something no one could see. 

        Suffocating, I just ran and ran down the gray black streets to my small home, wanting nothing more than wash blood and fear and death away --- but thoughts stayed, ringing through me like bullets and stabbing like iron knives: never again would she dance solely for this small world, never again would her laugh and songs annoy - [for the best] - the ones like me, and never, ever again would one hear her welcoming, earthly laugh, for her dancing dream had met its own end.

And I was sole responsible. 

I looked out of my window and the clouds had parted and the moon returned, bathing the scene in silvery light.

" The chemist who can extract from his heart's elements compassion, respect, longing, patience, regret, surprise, and forgiveness and compound them into one can create that atom which is called love" ~

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Come First Midnight Of June To Bury The Dead.

Hello Everyone? 

How are we doing today? I hope great. I've been off for a while literally, but i guess summer brings peace in more ways than one. I'm back 1000% to sharing poems/short stories, so don't un-bookmark me yet (lol). Today's post is a poem i wrote during my one-out-of numerous insomniac attacks. Its nothing personal as usual, 98% fiction [ ;) ]. I'd love to read your comments; trust me they do go more than a mile. Blessings; E-Smiles.

Come First Midnight Of June To Bury The Dead.

Frozen window pane
Breaking against the bitter rain
On the night of the eve of May
Blow me kisses, cold and cruel
Suck away my soul, you fool

Death will not have me, on this frost
For sleep has not taken me at my malignant cost.

Instead, I will lay on my rotting bed's sheets
Speaking to the ceiling faces of concrete;
They are broken angels, Plastered to this room
Never to know flight, but to aptly loom

Peg me not a dreamer
For mine are not so sweet
Think me not an angel
For we walk through hell's heat

Tell me not your secrets
For I am not mute
Listen with heed of caution
For my views are too astute.

Sing me a song, and I'll write you a verse
Forgotten in time, and equally cursed
Left in my palace, with no friend or foe
My cries only answered by my own echo

I'll paint you a face
Of death's last smile
It will hang in the banisters
Staring in denial.

And sometimes he hums
And the cherubs all weep
For this is what greets me
When I can not sleep.